Vitex for PCOS


My journey has been long one. I stopped having cycles at 18, I am now 27.I was on the depo shot from 13-17 and had perfectly normal cycles before that but never had any bleeding on it. My doctor actually made me come off the depo at 17 because he said my "ovaries had gone dormant". I took BCP until I got married at 18. When I went off my BCP my cycles were 3-4 months. I started seeing an RE who told me I had unexplained infertility. We did an HSG which was fine (my tubes are open and in good shape), we did a laparoscopy which did show stage 1 endometriosis, cysts on ovaries and adhesions (all of which were removed) we dis 10 rounds of Clomid with a trigger and a round of Femara with a trigger. After this he urged us to look at <a href="">IVF</a>. I was 20 years old and I just wasn't there in my journey yet. Good thing because it turns out, marrying someone at 18 that you've known for 2 months doesn't exactly call for a long lasting relationship. we ended up divorced so I chalked this up to a blessing. I went on BCP until I met my boyfriend (now husband). We dated about a year when I decided to stop taking them. I fully believe all of the hormone manipulation with birth control has gotten my body all out of whack, as does he. So I have been off of BC for about 3 years now. Last year (since I wasn't having a period) I decided to see an OB/GYN at the clinic I work for. I expressed that I wanted to go about this process as organically as possible. He prescribed me micronized progesterone...which definitely works to give me a period but wasn't doing anything to make a baby. I got married in May and we decided since we had been working at this for a while, maybe it was time to see an RE. I went a few months ago and at my first visit he told me we could do oral meds and if that didn't work we could do injectables and if that didn't work then maybe talk about <a href="">IVF</a>. I told him <a href="">IVF</a> was off the table and he got uneasy. I feel like pushing <a href="">IVF</a> first thing seems a little money hungry. Anywho, this was all said before my ultrasound. He gave me an ultrasound and in the middle of it he just hung his head and sighed. He told me that we could try Femara for 2 cycles but after that we would need to talk because really the only thing he would be comfortable with is <a href="">IVF</a>. I had somewhere between 30 and 50 immature follicles on my ovaries and basically their worry is that in a non controlled situation...all of those follicles (or quite a few) would mature and release eggs. Well, turns out my body didn't react to the Femara and he started talking about <a href="">IVF</a> again. I'm not there yet. I'm just not. I want babies badly but my husband isn't in the same boat. He wants them but life goes on if we don't have his words. I'm a firm believer in Christ so I started praying on it. I ran across this supplement on Amazon called Conceive. It has Vitex in it. I've done some research on Vitex and I've read several success stories. I'm just wondering if anyone here has any success stories with It? I almost feel like it's a joke with how my past has gone but I'm very committed to trying everything i can to conceive naturally.