Possible implantation bleeding?!


Hi guys 😊 we are ttc and my last period was on July 13th. I have pcod and my cycles are very irregular. It has always been late but NEVER early. My period tracking app says that my next period is two weeks later.

To my shock , on aug 10th I started having lots of brown discharge which later turned into light pink discharge. The discharge was pretty moderate. I thought af started . The next day bleeding turned bright red and heavy . I passed a clot . Just a clot not a tissue like thing. I had almost severe cramps the whole day. Bleeding was red and bright red alternatively.

The third day bleeding reduced but was still red. Fourth day I just had pink spotting followed by brown spotting. Brown spotting continued till 5th day morning. And then it stopped. I read that these are not implantation symptoms and it's my AF. But today is the 6th day and I started urinating frequently like 15 times today alone. And I'm have excess saliva, like really a lot. 💦 Also having nausea. I had acne for over an year and yesterday my skin suddenly cleared up and BAM 💥 no acne !! Having headaches and I'm sleeping in the afternoon all this week.

I'm guessing may be this is all because of hormonal imbalance but is there any chance that I could be pregnant?! I'll be taking a hpt in a couple of days . Just wanted to check after one week at least after the bleeding! Let me know your thought guys 😍 Take care!