Has anybody's bub gotten their first tooth yet?


And what were the signs they were teething, if they had any? My baby girl is 5 months next week and has been drooling like mad for a good month or two now, so that's not really a good indication of teething to us, but the last few days or so she has been chewing her hand rather than sucking it, she rubs her ears occasionally, she's had some very restless nights, she's restless when breastfeeding, all she wants to do is cuddle, and I don't know if it's just this fourth leap or if she might be teething. I can see her two bottom teeth beneath the gum but I can't feel them poking up yet and the gums aren't inflamed, but I'm a ftm so I don't know how soon before a tooth erupts that those things happen 🤷🏼‍♀️