We both wanted a child, now he wants an abortion.


Please don't judge other one of us too harshly, this is a rough time where I feel very lost.

I am 24 years old and my boyfriend is 21. Now, we haven't been together for a super long time, but it seems like we have. we live together, spend every day with one another, struggle, laugh and cry together. Everything about our relationship is perfect except for this, that's the heartbreaking part. We started out using condoms and one day a few months ago had a breakage, leading to the discussion of children. I feel like a ticking time bomb, having severe endo, multiple surgeries and the fear of becoming infertile soon. I've always wanted a child and we agreed we would start trying to concieve, I was elated.

The first two months had no luck and now we are on the third. Recently he's been acting strange and I couldn't figure out why; distant, Moody and argumentative, things he never is. Finally things came to light and he told me he's been upset because he decided he doesn't want a child, and that if I find out I'm pregnant this month, he wants to abort. It kills me.

I think he's just scared, in a way. Scared of maturing more, having more responsibilities, but now I feel like if I am pregnant I'll have no choice and that keeping the child would make him leave. Please, what do I do?