Anyone else having a home birth?

Mallory • Mom of 2- 1 lost Dec. 2015, 1 "rainbow" baby girl due 9/9/17 💘🌈

I'm sooo excited and emotionally ready to bring this baby into the world and to do this whole home birth thing- pain and all- BUT practically I feel so behind. My house has soooo much that I still need/want done before the baby comes. My big to-do list I made is over 40 items long- most of which are house projects like painting, putting together furniture, cleaning, organizing, etc etc.

Our nursery is currently a half-primed bare room, and our kitchen floors just got redone, so some of the kitchen storage is still out in the living room 😅 Not to mention the plumbing in our bathroom needs fixed, and then there's just the basic deep cleaning desires I have for wanting the house as clean as possible before we do this thing.

I know I can still get things done after baby comes if she comes early/on time, but Im sure it will be 10x harder to actually get big projects accomplished with a newborn in the house. Plus I don't want it to feel like chaos in our house the day I go into labor.

Any other mamas feeling a bit nervous about getting everything done before the baby decides to come?? I'm currently almost 37 weeks and still working close to full time hours at work. Can't wait to really cut back my hours and put in some long hours on this house... Hoping by that point I don't feel too huge and exhausted to get everything done 🤞 🤞

We have our home visit tomorrow with my midwife, doula and birth assistants, and I'm nervous about the state of things... they're all amazing women though and I'm sure they will encourage and give me peace of mind.

I just wanna do alllll the things!!! 😩