Confused about my identity.

I'm a young woman in my early 20's and recently have been questioning my gender identity. Not to a point where I think I'm a man or want to transition... but its still so confusing. Sometimes I want to dress like a guy and cut all my hair off. Sometimes I like to dress like a girly girl and put makeup on and let my hair down. I've never had these thoughts before but recently the thought of just being a girl, having a uterus, having periods, just weirds me out and I don't know why.

On top of all this I still haven't figured out my sexuality. I have only ever dated guys and I like guys... but the thought of being with a girl excites me more and feels more natural to me. But I'm not sexually attracted to girls. Still sometimes I get crushes on people who don't fit conventional gender roles, but again there's no sexual attraction, only romantic. I barely even feel sexual attraction to men. So part of me thinks I'm asexual while another part thinks I'm pansexual and it's frustrating not knowing.

So yeah. I just wanted to get that off my chest.