TTC, positive test last month than 5 negative, then period, now seems like ovulation bleed and pinky implantation bleeding


Sorry TMI warning...

Last month we started ttc, had a positive test then 5 negative and a shorter than usual period came on, although convinced still feel pregnant, bloated and put on weight, looking preggers. Felt sick. About 3 days post ovulation this month I had a tiny blob of light red blood, and then 7 days after ovulation window I got pinky blood like a period which got heavier and turned to dark red blood today, heavy like a period but not as heavy as my usual ones which are extraordinarily heavy, but still soaking a sani pad every 4 hours. This is 5 days earlier than my usual period.

Really feel pregnant. But now I think not... anyone else been in same position and ended up with their BFP?