Elevated FSH and Prolactin


I had a successfull pregnancy 5 years ago. Now I am almost 31 and we have been trying for #2 since february. I had two chemical pregnancies (one in april and one in July).

Got some tests done and My FSH is slightly high (the limit is 12,5 and mine is 12,6) and My peolactin also (limit is 635 And mine is 650).

anybody had a similar situation? Taking into consideration that I had 4 weeks since the last misscariage (The bleeding started at 5w3d) and I took progesterone suppliments.

I am reading about cists in the brain, or early menopause or thyroid issues, but My thyroid levels are all normal and also My estradiol.

I am condused and it will Take a while until My doctor's appointment.