I need to vent

The Grinch • Mama to Owen. Ex-Amish. Holiday Cheermeister. 💙

So I'm not like trying to overthrow Kayla because I know she just posted and mine is no where near as important as hers but I just wanted to vent. Plus, I know that C technically won that vote thing so if you don't want me to stay, I can leave. I don't want to be a bother. I deleted the other post I made because I didn't know if I was technically supposed to be here. I do want to vent about this though because it really made me angry. So you might know, I was on a volleyball team to pass time and stuff, and I called today and quit the team for obvious reasons, and when I was telling her she was asking "why is that" and I said "well I'm pregnant and I don't think it is safe to continue to play." She then asked me "well who is the dad" and I dismissed it and said I would no longer be playing for the team and she said "well you shouldn't tell people things you don't want to explain." I WAS SO MAD. I hung up the phone and she called me back 3 times and sent a text that said "We love having you on the team..." and I just left her on read. I was so mad and it probably doesn't sound like a big deal but at the time it was to me. this is the sane girl who wouldn't let let be in the picture because I didn't wear my covering.