Feeding a 4 month old solids? How often?


So directed by my sons doctor I am introducing him to solid foods. I've been only feeding him solids such as baby food carrots, very blended up bananas. Once a day, I don't use it in place of a bottle feeding, I give it with his regular feeding. What I want to know is how often can I give baby food? Like how many times a day? And can I give it in place of a bottle meal? I obviously don't want him to get constipated or have tummy issues so I wanna know what you guys schedule for feeding was when you started transitioning from breast milk or formula to baby foods?

Ps. I am aware some people on here don't agree with feeding solids until 6 months or after, I want no judgement or information regarding WHEN to start solids only how to implement them! Thank you in advance!