Came off Celeste, had two regular periods, now I'm late..


So I've been taking birth control for the best part of thirteen years, I decided 2 - 3 months ago to take a break from all this hormone changing stuff, also became vegan & everything has made me feel great and like a newly charged woman 💁

My boyfriend and I continued having sex but with condoms (I know not as safe), and I got my first two periods since coming off the pill just fine, however its been four days since my period's due and I had a little weeeeny bit of spotting on the first day but now nothing... so naturally I'm panicking.

We recently moved into our first house together which is great but very stressful. Especially when I did this without taking a break from my 6- day a week job & I know stress can also cause late or even missed periods!

Anyone else experienced this or can help put a girls mind to rest that I'm not up the duff??? 😬😬😬