After losing my first I finally get answers


So I lost my first baby October 2015. Everyone just said it happens. Fast forward to this past June. I decided to change gynos and see a new one about what I'm sure is an ovarian cyst. Well during my ultrasound to check my ovaries the tech discovered I may have a uterine septum. At this point my gyno doesn't even care about the cyst, lol. Today I had an MRI to confirm. In fact have a uterine septum and won't be able to have a child till I get it removed. I don't think mixed emotions is even the phrase to describe how I felt when I got that phone call. From relief, to closure, to guilt for trying literally feeling like I doomed my child in ignorance. All I can think of was that first ultrasound I got to see my baby and hear it's heartbeat and to think now that he had no chance in the world. It's the worst thing in the world.

Now I have to have it removed and I'm terrified. Anyone else had a uterine septum and had it removed?