Am I wrong for thinking this way?

*Warning talks about Rape, FWB, and Pregnancy all at once*

A couple of months ago I was reconnecting with an old friend of mine. *Background* he and I were best friends once but he fell in love with me and yes he told me this but I made it clear I wasn't interested in him at all as more than a friend. long story short I fell in love with his brother, we had sex, and we were together for a short while before my parents broke us up (I wasn't allowed to date and he was older than me by 2 years) this caused my best friend to become very upset. First he switched schools but we were neighbors so he still saw me all the time, but later he moves out of the county to get away from me. Three years later he tells me he was over me -"betraying" him for dating his brother and not him and that he wanted us to be friends again. I agreed and we planned a road trip shortly after. However, on the first night he had sex with me while I was sleeping. I made it clear that it wasn't what I wanted and later when I start crying he just keeps on. He treated it as if I enjoyed it too and when he explained himself he even said pointedly "We were both doing it and knew what we were doing because we were in love." even though that wasn't the case. After this I found out almost a month later that I was pregnant. Firstly, I was almost positive I couldn't get pregnant after a talk with my doc and since being infertile for almost 4 years. That being said a guy I was seeing and also with him I was unprotected (not that I had a choice for the second one ) the guy I was seeing and I had sex a couple of days before this happened so now I'm unsure of who the father will be. The guy thinks he won't be the father anyway because he thinks I was sleeping around which I wasn't and initially thought I made it up to push him away (also not true.) Am I wrong for not wanting the potential father anywhere near my pregnancy? Am I also wrong for keeping my rapist out of it, even if i can easily contact him if need be? Let me just say it's hard to go through a pregnancy knowing all of this but the guy makes it seem like he is the one suffering. Would I be wrong to not want him at my delivery? What happens if the baby comes out and it isn't his? Are we just gonna say "whoops sorry for that time wasting but turns out it belongs to the F*ing rapist"?