Trying to be patient
Does anyone else get super sad/emotional during your fertile period b/c yet again you're back trying for little one and then again close to when your cycle should be starting b/c you're praying that this time will be it only to have AF make her appearance...
The struggle is real and I'm just trying to keep it together and remain a great wife, sweet friend, good worker etc. but my thoughts seem to get consumed by wanting that BFP even though trying to distract myself and to focus on other stuff.
Also trying not to stress b/c how many times have you heard..."I didn't get pregnant until I just stopped thinking about it"
Lord help me.
It's getting to the point where I start crying secretly when I have to attend a baby shower or 1st birthday party or even see people posting pics of their little ones.
Any words of encouragement or things you do to try to get through these times?
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.