Is this discharge normal? 🚨TMI🚨


It's my 2nd pregnancy but 9.5 years later so it all feels new to me all over again. I've been getting small amounts the past 2 weeks now and yesterday I had a lot more ... this morning I barely took my daughter to school and then this! I forgot to put on a panty liner of course but it shows how there's some WATER 💦 around the discharge too ... should I be concerned that it's a a start of losing my mucus plug? I called L&D; for advice and they didn't seem too worried about anything (but they can't see these images either). I never lost a mucus plug on my own or had my water break on my own since I was induced last time. Any advice would help. I'm 31 weeks based on my LMP, and he measures a week ahead at 27 weeks, so I might be 32 really. My next ObGyn appt is next Thursday and I will definitely bring it up to her Ana show her the picture. But I don't think she'll start checking me for dilation or anything.

Anywho, thanks for all the advice and info in advance girls 💕