Meeting the love of my life. ❤️

Going into my 36 week check up I just felt off for a few days before. The baby hadn't been moving much lately so they did an ultrasound and everything was normal. Checked my blood pressure and it was very high 170/110. They immediately sent me to the hospital to labor and delivery for monitoring. I have been swollen for weeks to the point where I couldn't feel my hands. Started having contractions between the doctors office and the hospital. I was alone my husband couldn't get off work for this appointment since we knew the baby would be here in the next couple of weeks he was saving his days off. When my doctor came by to check on things he decided it'd be best to admit me and do a 24 hour urine test to check my protein level and make sure I didn't have preeclampsia. I wasn't dilated at all. My doctor told me if the levels were elevated they would have to go ahead and induce me and we would have a baby the next day. 5 o'clock the next day comes and the 24 hour urine test was over I was waiting on the results to see if I could finally meet my baby girl. The on call doctor comes in and tells me the normal protein levels was anything under 300 mg mine was 1700! She was just worried about the baby only being 36 weeks so she sent me home on bed rest for 4 days until I could see my doctor again and scheduled me to be induced when the baby would be 38 weeks. I had still been having contractions the whole time. The next afternoon I thought my water broke but just turned out it was the jelly from where they checked me, but I went back to the hospital anyway I was miserable. They got me hooked up to monitor and checked me again and I was dilated 3 cm! They called my doctor and he came in and broke my water and the fun started! 8 hours of labor and an hour of pushing and my sweet Karleigh Grey was born a healthy 7 pounds 1 ounce and 19 1/2 in long! Born on my sisters birthday. She is absolutely perfect! We are so in love with this life.