Should I be concerned at all?

I'm a type 2 diabetic, and I'm 32 weeks and 6 days. I just had an ultrasound where my baby was measuring at 5lbs even, and the ultrasound tech said she was measuring ahead at 33 weeks and 2 days, which is honestly not much difference for normal pregnancies, but as a diabetic should I be worried? My sugars have been absolutely perfect thus far, and I'm actually being retested for diabetes after I give birth. My doctor did make a comment on her being a bit bigger, but didn't seem concerned about it. But that's obviously not going to stop me from worrying over it, especially given diabetic complications. - I should add, this isn't the first time she measured a bit ahead, she did at my 14 week ultrasound, and she measured about three days ahead there too, and then she evened out.