Just curious..


I have been feeling pregnancy-like symptoms for a few weeks now. I have done at home tests, none worked. (Like they didn't develop or came up invalid.) I have an IUD in and I have been talking to many friends, coworkers, family members, etc. about how I have been physically feeling. Everyone - even like random people at like food places - ask if I am or tell me I am pregnant. Like w even the slightest thing. So many people just keep telling me I am, but when I got my tests and nothing showed up it just made me wonder more. I went and saw my doctor concerned especially since I still have my IUD in. My urine test was negative so they ordered a blood test. I am waiting on the results and I am kind of anxious. Literally every day someone is telling me "oh you're pregnant!" whether it's someone whose already told me or if it's someone new. But I mentally am confused, like, if I were wouldn't I just know it in my heart? Maybe it's bc I am terrified at the moment, maybe I am not & my body is just being crazy. But when you were pregnant before you absolutely found out did you just know? Or were you like me? I already got the test going I just am trying to see how others felt, so don't go "just test!!!" I am sick of hearing that bc I have!! Multiple times and multiple ways. So can anyone tell me about their experience?