
Kyrsten • 24, married 8/2/2014, Gracelynn Rae born 11/27/2015, baby #2 due 10/25/2017 ❤

Had a doctors appointment yesterday because I'm high risk because of preeclampsia with my first born (21 months old) everything went well at the doctors, I only gained 7lbs so far 💪🏻 and baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead. I was feeling good about everything until they old me that if I don't go into labor on my own between 38-39 weeks they're gonna induce me again 🙄 I was induced with my first daughter and now more than likely I'll be induced with my second daughter 🤦🏻‍♀️😭

Any of you ladies dealt with this before? My second and last pregnancy and I'll probably never get to know what going into labor on your own feels like