Not giving up UPDATE


Update: I ended up having to switch to formula, went and had a weighted feed and I wasn't producing enough milk. I commend all you mommas out there who were able to stick with it. Olivia and I are much happier now and I feel like I got to experience both the bonding BF experience and now her daddy gets to feed her to, so it worked out best for both of us. I appreciate all the kind words and encouragement, I let the mom guilt go and life has been so much better.

I was having SUCH a hard time breastfeeding that I gave up for 3 days. After switching to formula and seeing how upset it made my girls tummy and how badly I missed nursing, I broke down and called a LC. After meeting with her today I am dedicated to sticking to this and not giving up. Selfishly I was so tired I didn't want to put in the work, but I'm committed to making this work. Wish us luck!