Sex/Lube Advice help?!


So this might be a little tmi but I need advice 🤷🏽‍♀️ I am 22 years old and I notice often when I have sex I'm initially very wet during foreplay but as the actual intercourse part starts I get somewhat dry. I'm not sure if it's because my partner doesn't really know what exactly I like foreplay or if it's just a little of a tight fit.

Or maybe it's because I can't get off just via penetration? and none of my partners have ever tried clitoris stimulation and tbh I've been kind of shy to also. I'm not really experienced sexually ( I grew up super religious and was never really taught much about sex accept that I wasn't supposed to be doing it).

So as a result I've never had an orgasm with a partner. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I mean I get off just fine by myself but when it comes to doing it with a partner I don't know why I don't get off. So I guess you could say this is a multi part question. What am I doing wrong 😭and as a 22 year old girl am I "too young" to buy lube? Should I be buying lube and if so what are your recommendations? Or am I just sexually inexperienced and doing everything wrong 😩 help a girl out please?!