Is it just the Sex? Please help I need advice.

Im so confused please help!

I don't understand my feelings and if it is just that I am having these feelings because of the sex?

I have a friends with benefits (FWB) and sometimes all I want to do is hang out with him all day cuz we rarely talk and rarely hangout but we do go on dates sometimes then I have to leave right away so we could go about our own days. But I leave after cuddling too and what not. Leaving isn't a problem at all with me but I still sometimes just want to hang out with him and get to know him. However, Im confused because I don't like him and I don't want a relationship with him either at all... so...? What?! Lol is this weird or wrong?

Is it that I am developing feelings only due to the sex? Am I becoming too clingy? Is this normal in a FWB relationship? Does anyone understand my situation and what I am going through? What is happening? Lol HOW can I STOP developing feelings for him??