I'm so freaked out


so a little while ago ( probably an hour or so) I was playing with my cat, since it's pretty rare for her to be playful. after maybe 5 minutes she started acting weird, like she would just stop mid playing and stare down the hallway after maybe 5 times of her doing that I started feeling uneasy so I shut the door. once I did that I went and layed on my bed expecting my cat to follow but she didn't she wouldn't come away from the door and kept randomly looking it up and down so I thought maybe she wanted out. I got up and opened the door she got two paws out the door way, paused and slowly backed back in so I closed the door again. I kid you not, not even ten minutes later there were five loud ass knocks that came from my window. FROM MY WINDOW!! immediately go to my mom's room and tell her, the knocking was so loud she heard it in her room over her tv! she checked the door, nobody was there so than she called the cops but since we live to far out of town it took them forever to get here, but they immediately searched our yard. here's where it gets creepy, there was no sign that someone had been in our yard. mind you, our grass hasn't been cut in a month and a half due to being on vacation and it's late at night so the grass is wet but there were absolutely no foot prints. I don't think I'm sleeping tonight.