Heartbroken!! ADVICE please!!👼🏽


So all my life I've wanted kids about 6 to be clear and began to think I could have kids because I've been on so many birth control, having chlamydia for along time without knowing . Thank god I've found someone who changed my life and no is std free, but anyways I found out I was pregnant July 6 by just going to the we for bad pains but the whole time I was pregnant we both was excited it was everything I prayed and ask for (want to fill avoid lost my mother at age 4) but everything went left about 2 weeks I had a miscarriage on July 20 at 6w 4 d I just knew something was wrong when I knew I was suppose to hear a heart beat and didn't and had to get a d&c; the same day . I'm trying to hide how I feel to make things better but it's hard. I have been TTC since then but I feel like it's much harder. I'm only 20 will be 21 in December a medical assistant i know some people will just say I need to focus on other things in life but I have a grandmother that's basically dying and my father is sicker than what he's tell us so I'm really trying to not only for me to fill my void and be the best mother possible but for them to see my child too.