I came in yesterday for my rash, Kept me because babies fluid was low

 I came in yesterday for my rash, 
Kept me because babies fluid was low. 
Started induction with pill in cervix at 3:30 pm
Water broke at 8pm
Only 1cm at 9pm
After water broke contractions got 100x worse. 
Got some fentynl first didn't help much
Got an epidural at 11:30pm
Checked at 1am only 2cm
Just had an episode of pain so got some more epidural meds, plus a shot to do slow down contractions because my uterus was over stimulated causing her to have a few dips in her heart rate but nothing bad. 
Checked me and at 4am and I was 5cm, 
Checked again around 9am 7cm, 
Gave pitocin to regulate contractions. 
Started feeling pressure/back pain. 
Daddy kept pressing my epidural to manage my pain. 
Around 11-12 checked and I was at 10, 100% just needed to get to position of 2, and she was sunny side up. 
They attempted to turn her and she kept flipping back, 
Started pushing at 2, she came out at 4:05pm she ended up flipping herself face down! 
Hardest, most exhausting thing of my life, time few yet stood still while I was pushing, didn't even have any clue how long I pushed for at the time. Obviously 2hr5minutes. 1st degree tear and hemroids are killer on day 2, but whenever I see my girl the pain is irrelevant. 
It was absolutely an amazing experience, and I am still in awe that such an incredible, healthy baby girl, the one I am holding was just inside me a day ago.. 
to be honest I said labor was easier than I expected, and I still can't figure out if that's an accurate statement or if I honestly am just so overwhelmed by my new baby girl that I seriously instantly forgot the intensity of what my body just went through already! 
Either way, I didn't even know life before her. And anyone who gets to enjoy the journey of childbirth is so absolutely lucky, please never take what miracle our bodies can do for granted.