Are you over it?


I'm only 5 weeks 2 days but currently not feeling happy as I was I feel so angry at the world I feel like I can't do anything an all day I feel sick and tired as hell but night comes and I I'm wide awake. It's my first and the father and I aren't together we just started dating for like 3 months and bam pregnant (before baby came along there was always the statement he would say I don't do relationships) but now he wants one. What because I'm pregnant with your kid wasn't I good before that? He has 2 girls already ones clingy as fuck (excuse my language) and his youngest gets no attention at all and I see her pain all the time when she can't spend time with him and he's a full time dad with two jobs. I just don't want my baby to be the outcast and be left out. Am I over reacting or should I just sit there and talk with him about it.

Any ideas would help lots xx