White tissue looking stuff in urine? 38 weeks


Writing this at 4:30 in the morning.. I work up at 2:30 and my pajama pants were wet.. I thought my water had started to leak😳. I went to the bathroom and there was a little bit of fluid came out and then I peed, and noticed nothing came out on the paper when I wiped but there was tissue looking things in the toilet.

(Before anyone thinks I might have had extra tissue stuck to me or whatever, I had just taken a shower before going to bed so I know I was clean.)

I put a pad on and went back to bed for an hour because they said to do that if you think your water may have broke.. woke up an hour later and went to the bathroom again, noticed the pad I put on was wet but not soaked.. and when I went to the bathroom I noticed the same white flecks.. I was googling and some people say it could be cervical mucus??? Anyone else have this happen? We are supposed to move into our new house today and I don't want to wake my husband up to take me to the hospital if it's nothing. 🤔