Motherhood store is denying me to nurse my baby in their nursing room


I work for for Motherhood pregnancy clothing store in Oakridge Mall. I had a meeting with corporate about issues and concerns. They seemed to care and ask how me being a new mommy is going and how my feedings are. Turns out my manager told corporate I have my baby in the store all the time and she is sick of it. which isn't true. I have my baby come into the store only on my breaks or lunch and them my husband and baby go back home. I have a medical issue with pumping. I can't. If I do, I'll bleed. I barely get enough milk for him to eat. Which is another issue. I don't get the milk amount I should. We have a nursing room for our customers, as well as 3 dressing rooms and a bathroom. So I have been using for 5 months our nursing room to feed him. I'm told by corporate I can't nurse on my lunch because liability and our customers won't like it. I'm not nursing in front of everyone. We have a curtain in front of the nursing room. They are forbidding my son or any child ( customer ) to nurse in our own nursing room. Why have a nursing room if it's not going to be used for that purpose??? I don't think it's fair. I'm doing it on my breaks and lunch. What I do on my breaks and lunch are my business. Plus there are times we don't even get breaks or lunches and I'm not relieved to take them and feed my baby. He can't take any formula either. It's been difficult but we felt we had the right to nurse him since it's California law. I want to not only fight for my rights but all customers to be able to nurse their baby's in the nursing room as they should. It's a maternity store!!! I would think they would be more understanding instead of cruel. Please sign my petition below to take this business down cause what they are doing is illegally wrong

Angelica Minjares: Allow workers and customers to breast feed in Motherhood Maternity store's nursing room - Sign the Petition!;_source=share_petition&utm;_medium=sms&utm;_campaign=share_petition&utm;_term=share_for_starters_page