Boyfriend issues.. Advice?

Jenna • 20, single, FTM. Baby boy due 10/24💙
I'm 20 yo. 11+4 days pregnant. A massage/ neuromuscular therapist and doing pretty well for as young as I am. My boyfriend is 24. He likes to drink pretty consistently. Most nights he only works 4/5-10 and doesn't make as much as you would hope for someone his age. Certainly not enough to support a family. He's very immature and as much as I love him and want to make things work and support/stand by him I know the overall stress of the relationship and situation is in no way good for me or my baby. I'm upset everyday. Constantly stressed. Always worried and always nagging him to get his life together. He needs to step up. We weren't together long before I got pregnant but I feel like if he truly wanted to step up for me and the baby that he would. He has a 6 year old he never sees & I feel like if he didn't step up for him then he most likely won't for me. He's so behind on child support he can't even get a license and doesn't have a car. I told him for the time being I feel it's better we stay separated while he gets his life together. & that if he truly loves me and this child that he will step up and come back to us once certain things are in line. My dilemma here is, I'm stuck between feeling like this is right. It's right to focus on me and baby and making sure I'm in a good place for my child and I.. And the other part of me feels it's wrong and that I should stand by him and encourage him because I do want to be able to say I tried for our baby and that part of me wants him to step up so we can have a family. But at the same time I can't hold his hand and he should be able to do these things on his own. I'm so conflicted and hurt. Regardless I know I'm able to provide for my baby without him. This just isn't how you imagine it. You never imagine being alone. 
Any thoughts you have / want to share are appreciated ❤️