Clomid/Clomifene & pains

Hi I wondered if anybody else had experienced/experiencing the same pains and knows what it's all about.
Ok, here goes >
I have PCOS (no cysts but huge ovaries) and endometriosis (zapped the week before Christmas & the surgeon also went through my cervix during the op)
I have regular periods which have gone up to every 30/31days. They are not very heavy, lots of clotting and mostly just pain.
I took my first Clomid cycle on CD2-6 and my last pill was taken on 30/3. I had no symptoms during taking it but the last 2 days I've had a lot of pain in the ovaries area and I have bloated up.
I get lots of trapped wind around this time every month anyway but this is different. I've taken lots of peppermint pills and powder laxatives in case I'm constipated but that all seems fine.  Still bloated and really really painful around ovaries and hips/pelvic area. 
I have been using opks but all faint or no lines. Yesterday's was a bit darker but packet says must be darker than the control line. I've run out of tests now so can't do any today.
Does anybody know what this could be? Clomid side effect? Ovulation pain? Something else?
Paracetamol and ibuprofen didn't help the pains.
Ps due to have my 21day blood on the 14th.
Any advice would be great thanks