Missed miscarriage


I went for my 8 week check up on the 18th of August. My nurse was doing the ultrasound and I saw my tiny baby. Me and my fiancé was all smiles. But when she went to turn on the sound to hear the heartbeat. I knew something was wrong and I started crying before she could tell me my baby had no heartbeat. This will be my 2nd miscarriage. My first was natural on June 12th. This time we decided to do the D&C; for them to run test and once we get those back the Dr said she will test us. I just literally went deaf bc you hear the same thing it's not your fault. X amount of females go through this. But all you want to do is just grieve in peace without the medical terminology until you're ready to hear it and can be level headed to ask the questions of why, when can I try again and so forth. I'm praying for everyone on this forum who is going or have been through it and trying to find peace.