My Child's Father - Advice Please

I don't normally post on here, and I've struggled about even posting this but I really need some advice as I am probably too emotional right now to make the best decision for my son. & I'm going to apologize ahead of time for this being so long but I want to make sure all the important info is added.

My boyfriend of 2 years and I broke up last October. I moved out of our home, and he moved back to his home state, & we no longer spoke at all. I started dating someone new in December, we dated for about a month and a half and then broke up because I realized I wasn't ready for a new relationship. I found out the next week that I was pregnant. When I first told him, he made it very clear that he wanted to be in the child's life but was not interested in us trying to work things out. The 8 weeks after that, he changed his mind at least 5 times on whether he wanted to be in a relationship or not. In the beginning, I, of course wanted to try but after the back and forth so many times I finally put my foot down and only talked to him about the pregnancy. Told him about every doctors appointment but he always had an excuse for why he couldn't be there.

Meanwhile, at around 12 weeks, my ex of 2 years and I started talked again. I figured when I told him about the pregnancy he would want nothing to do with me, but to my surprise, he was wonderful. Checked on me every day, multiple times a day, & was emotionally supportive and available every time I needed someone. We started our relationship back up, but long distance this time. We were together until I was 6 months pregnant.

When the child's father found out, he said he didn't mind at first but soon started saying he wanted to work things out, he wanted to be a family, he booked a couples retreat for us to "build a foundation", and so on and so forth. I stayed with my boyfriend and just brushed off all of the child's fathers comments. During this time, the father only showed up to two appointments and never actually checked on me or our son. Weeks would go by and I wouldn't even hear from him.

As I said before, my boyfriend and I broke up when I was 6 months pregnant due to the fact that long distance was too difficult and I didn't want to move, or have him move. The fathers child continued to say he wanted to make things work and I finally gave in and told him that we could try. But for the past two months while he "wanted to be in a relationship" he barely tried to see me, we hardly spoke, and he still was not showing up to doctors appointments.

Being pregnant (as you all know) I am extremely emotional and find it hard to just let these things go. So we would barely talk or see each other but we would bicker on a regular basis about him never being around. Needless to say, "trying to make it work" didn't work. So now we are back to how things were in the beginning.

Now, even tho he hasn't been around for me emotionally, he has been a huge financial help. He has paid for all doctors bills after insurance and bought most of the large items needed for baby. & even though I am very thankful for that, I do not believe that throwing around money makes you a father.

I am 7 weeks away from my due date and I am so scared of making the wrong decisions when it comes to labor and after labor.

I have already decided to give my son my last name due to the way things have been. However, should I allow him in the room for the whole delivery? Should I allow him to stay with us the first week or so after we come home if he wants to? Or let him come over in the evenings after work? My feelings right now are that if he hasn't been around this whole time, why should I trust it's going to be any different when my son is actually here? And that the inconsistency will make delivery/the first few weeks more difficult.

I had a father who was in and out my entire life, and it was miserable and I refuse to make my son go through that as well. But I also, don't want to deprive him of his father or vice versa.

Does anyone have any experience on this or have any advise being an outsider looking in? I just want to make sure I'm doing what's best for my son.