Uncomfortable in laws

So I definitely want to try to breastfeed and I'm not one to be very shy when it comes to "uncomfortable" or "awkward" events. But tonight at dinner, my FIL was saying how it is kind of uncomfortable to see a woman breastfeed even with a cover on. That made me feel kinda awkward myself because then I started thinking how can I even go over there and be comfortable trying to feed my child? His wife, my MIL, didn't breastfeed at all so he was never around anyone who did it. I feel like he shouldn't make it awkward for me because it's feeding HIS grandchild anyways. I know I'll have to just suck it up and not care how he's feeling. It's not like I won't have a cover over me or anything but has anyone else experienced this? I haven't even had my LO yet and the breastfeeding shaming is already going on I feel like.