Long Distance Relationships?

Any long distancers out there? Tell me your stories!
Here's mine:
My boyfriend and I have been going out for a little over a year now. Mind you, he joined the Marines after 3 months, so I've only seen him a handful of times after that. Right now he's stationed in Washington State for the next 2 years, while I'm going to school in Virginia for the next 3 years. 2,323 miles between us. 
I love him more than anything, but sometimes it can get really rough. Lately we've gotten into the bad habit of fighting which I hate. I'm trying to keep us together, but when he's working 10 hours a day 5 days a week and he's too tired to skype, it hurts. Sometimes all I want is to just hear his voice. (Don't even get me started on the sexual deprivation..😒)
I'm just happy he won't have to deploy for the next 2 years. We hope we'll be able to get married after I graduate school and end the distance between us permanently.