Cramps and spotting help @ almost 8 weeks


Okay so I started spotting a few days ago, and it was enough to barely get on the toilet paper and I called my doctor and asked what they wanted me to do and they sent me to the ER. They said I looked okay, gave me a Rhogam shot and sent me home. I stopped spotting later that night. Two days later I started spotting again, this time bright pinkish red and there was more of it. Still not on my underwear, but I've been cramping on my left side and it's been pretty consistent. It's not unbearable, but it's annoying and kinda uncomfortable. It's worrying me that I keep cramping like this, but I don't want to go to the ER again because I feel like they didn't really take me seriously. No ultrasound or hardly anything. I'm planning on calling my doctor on Monday anyway and asking their opinion. I'm honestly wondering if there's anyone that has had cramping and light bleeding, even red colored and had everything be fine? I'm nervous and looking things up on the internet doesn't help. Please, any input or advice would be amazing. This is my first time and my husband and I had been trying for a year. 🙏🏻❤️