Bloody Show Or???!


I just got released from the hospital with yet another false alarm. I got up to pee during the middle of the night, all was normal and I laid back down in bed and felt a huge gush. I was beyond excited thinking holy crap my water broke. I jumped out of bed hoping to not get it on my bed and it gushes out more. I was woke my boyfriend and was like babe I think my water broke and I turned on the light, looked down and was just standing in a pool of blood. My mom immediately called my midwife and she told us to head to the hospital. There they checked me to see if my water broke and it hadn't. I feel like they truly didn't understand how much blood had come out of me by the time I got there. They did a baby check and everything was great but I'm still kinda worried, did anyone else experience a bloody show this crazy? It was more blood than I'd ever seen during any one of my periods to be honest. I was dilated to almost a 4 and was contracting steadily but nothing intense. She did mention that this really means I'll definitely be back within a few days to actually give birth!!!