Sooo scary!!


This morning I was making my baby a bottle. I put him in his playpen while I made the bottle. As I was standing near the bottle warmer waiting for the bottle to get warm I noticed my child was sitting still making a strange noise. His back was to me so I went to him and he was making spitting noises and spitting a little from his mouth. I talked to him and he looked at me. It sounded like he was still breathing ok so I picked him up and walked him to the bottle warmer. I could tell he was still acting strange and still spitting bubbles out his mouth. I started getting really concerned and then he started wimpering in frustration and that's when I realized he must be choking on something. I squeezed open his mouth and I saw something on the back of his tongue and I swept my finger and pulled it out. I almost had a heart attack but I'm glad I remained calm enough to get it out. I realized he was still able to breath a little because it wasn't completely blocking his airway but the item was very far back on his tongue. Such a scary moment but I'm glad he's ok. I have no idea how it even got in his playpen. I never put anything in there that he could choke on. Gonna have to have a talk with his daddy 😡