
Started the pit at 5am was at a 4 water broke on its own at 6:30am had my little boy at 9:26am no epidural! I Was so relived my water broke on its own witch was cool cuz I heard it pop and everything the doc broke my water with my daughter witch hurt so it was a diff experience😁 best advise for people who don't want to get the epidural stay as calm as u possibly can don't start screaming fighting the contractions away just stay quit and breath they the whole thing it hits a peak witch hurts like hell but think to ur self ok I made it to this now it's just gonna go down from here breath breath long and slow and it will go a lot smother for me it did anyways both times! And for those who have gotten the ep I think it's kinda bs they say they felt everything and it hurt so bad don't get the pain med and then tell me if u think the same. My sister had 2 epidural and the last one didn't get one and she said I thought it hurt before those labor pains weren't nothing compared to the pain u feel going all naturl