Advice anyone?

Ok so i have an 8 year old daughter and my husband and i have been wanting a second kiddo. Well when ever we try to have sex my daughter for some reason stays up and listens to make sure we arent do anything shes very noisy and ive explained privacy to her many times but she doesn't seem to get it. She has been acting like this ever since we thought she was asleep and we were watching a movie after she "fell asleep"'and it had a sex scene on it and i looked over and she was standing there watching it in the door way. So again ever since she stays up listening for my husband and i do have sex. And if we try and she hears the slightest bed creek or anything she starts banging on the door and crying. How can we have sex with out this happening???

Update- putting her infront of the tv or telling her we need alone time does not work if we try to leave with the tv she just gets up and follows us and if we tell her to we need alone time she throws a fit and will not let us