Opinions please. Long sorry😩


My husband works as a handyman. There is this woman that he has done jobs around her house and fixed a lot of stuff.

The thing here is she knows im the one in charge of responding to the jobs, and letting people that texts or calls my husband know estimates of the jobs they need. So when she texts him for a job she always texts as if she is talking to him and sends him: ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😉😜 emojis that i dont think are appropriate for a person hiring a married man to work in her house.

When we go to check on the job i see how she says hi, she tries to grab his face and kiss him in the cheek, puts her hands around his neck and then to me just gives me the hand. I talk to my husband and i know between them there is nothing, but am i wrong for asking him that if he is going to work there because we need the money, to just say hi from far and not let her get close. And to tell her to respect him and his family?