miscarried a month ago.

Colby • Mommy to 1 boy 💙 1 little girl 💜 and two angels 💛

I still can't stop crying. MY heart breaks everyday when I see a pregnant woman or even a new baby. I don't understand why I was undeserving. I don't know how to move forward. I have no one. My best friend is pregnant and due 2 days after I was supposed to be and I can't bring myself to talk to her. I tried for that baby for 3 years and I only got to have it for 8 weeks. I feel like a oyster robbed of its pearl 💔 I've had to hide all the proof the baby existed or I cry. I heard the baby's heart beat then a few weeks later I held the baby in my hand. 💔 I'm scared to try again because I can't do this again.