Acid reflux - OTC suggestions?


Im 6.5 weeks pregnant. I've been on 40mg of omeprozole a day for years to help with acid reflux. I went to my confirmation appointment with my OB 2 weeks ago and she never said to discontinue it, but I read that it is a class C drug and to not take it while pregnant. I put in a call to my OB and I'm waiting to get a call back from her to to confirm. In the meantime, I went to the pharmacy and the only thing the pharmacist felt comfortable suggesting was tums. All I've learned in 2 days off the omeprozole is that I cannot live on tums for the next 8 months! I can't even drink water without getting serious acid reflux! Please tell me what you took OTC that was suggested by your OB (My reflux is not diet related, I'm on a strict diet - so please don't suggest that!)