I don't know how to fix this.. ❗️Long story but I need help

Rylie • Just seeing how other women survive womanhood

On July 7, 2016 a man named David sent me a message on a dating website I had joined. He said, Hello. That was all. I thought he was cute and I like what his profile said so I messaged him back. We talked everyday over snapchat, text, calling, Skype. I fell very hard for him. He was everything I wanted in a man. On October 15,2016 I finally met him. We clicked immediately. I knew that he was the one I would spend my life with. I didn't believe in that kinda thing until it happened. He lived 3 hours away from each other so it was hard to hang out, but we managed. On November 20th we broke it off. Things just working out. It was mutual but it still tore me apart. I got a serious surgery on December 1st and he was constantly checking on me and all that good stuff. On December 20th he came up and we talked things through and he finally asked me to be his girlfriend!! I was so happy. We spent Christmas, New Year's <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> and my birthday together. I was so happy. On January 21st we Skyped and things were wired. A few things he told me was, I could only have one baby and he would get a vasectomy to prevent more kids (I was told I couldn't have kids then was told I could. It was a touchy subject) I could only shop at one grocery store, I had to choose between catholic or Mormon (he was neither). We said goodnight and I didn't sleep a minute that night. The man who I loved with all my heart turned out to be someone else entirely. I couldn't be controlled so on January 24, 2017 I broke it off with him. It was over text and I didn't give him an explanation. I thought it would be easier but it was not fair to him. It was very wrong of me to do that. We talked a few times in February and I apologized but he didn't think he did anything wrong. We stopped talking. I was broken. I didn't eat, sleep or talk to anyone. On March 17th I broke down and told him happy birthday. We talked for a week and he told me he would be in town and he wanted to see me to talk things through. I met with him and well I thought we had it worked out. Before we parted he told me he had a girlfriend... Wft?! My dumbass believed him when he said he was done with her and he meant to breakup with her before he left. I just loved him and I wanted to be with him again. On March 20th I called him to check up on things. He said he didn't know what he wanted. I wasn't going to do that to that girl. She didn't deserve to have him sneak around and I didn't deserve it either. His exact words to me were, "I can't hurt her like that." He couldn't hurt her like that but he can deviate the woman he so called loved with everything he had. I know it makes me sound like a selfish bitch but I love him and I needed him. My grandma help me while I cried for 2 hours. We didn't talk again until May 10th. He said he was moving to Iowa (12 hours from me) and he wanted to see me before he left for good. I thought about and I agreed to meet up with him. May 13th we met at the lake. He hugged me and said all the right things. When he kissed me I lost it. I gave in and agreed to make it work. I stayed the night in a hotel we got. I had never slept with him and I still wasn't ready but somethings did happen that made me get more attached to him. It was the best night of my life. I woke up and had to leave early. He promised he would see me again before going to Iowa. In one week exactly. We talked all week and everything was fine. We had a plan. A great plan. Two days before he was supposed to leave I found out he was 3 hours past from where I lived. I found out from snapchat. He didn't even tell me he was leaving early. We took a few days break. I called and he was drunk so I told him I'd just talk to him the next day. Few minutes later I got a Instagram follow request from a girl. I clicked on it and the first thing I saw was a picture of David. The caption was, "I'm so glad I have this man in my life." It was posted a few days ago. I looked in her bio and it said, 5/15/17 💖🔒 I think y'all can put that together. I saw that and I got physically sick. I don't have words to describe how I felt. I was just destroyed. I confronted him and he said, "I didn't even plan on continuing with you anyway." That was almost 3 months ago and it still hurts like it was yesterday. He was my first boyfriend and first everything. I've tried to date and I can't. I cant let go of him. I don't know what to do. I love him and I thought he loved me. He was very convincing apparently. I'm begging, I don't know how to get over this man 😔