Fml cheating emails!

Update: so the reply is the same because it's the same thread it's just one message. I confronted him this morning. He didn't deny it he said he didn't do anything. Idk if I can believe him. Know we were in a rough spot with the news and him being away for the first time in three years. He said he was upset but didn't act on it. To me he still screwed up! One of my biggest fears when he's away is cheating! I was in the military myself and it's very common...I thought we were on the same page! We have been so happy more than ever planning for our future and then I find this! Idk today is my daughters birthday so I told him idk what's going to happen but today nothing will we will be parents and make her birthday special. He agreed. Thing that bothered me was he didn't apologize or say it was a mistake he pretty much said it was my fault because I wasn't talking to him and wasn't easy to get along with that week!

I'm don't think this is going to work for me I already been divorce before for cheating spouse while I was deployed. I can't go through that bs again not with my kiddos. He supposed to leave to Korea for a year if in a week this happen idk what may happen. The ad he answer was spam but he did go on Craigslist which is where he replied to it.

So tonight I sit here wanting to cry and at the same time punch my husband in the face. We are married 5yead in october.

Tonight I pulled his phone in to charge since he forgot to before heading to bed. I don't ever snoop through his phone but his has 3k plus emails so I started deleting junk mail. I'm OCD and the red badge drove me crazy that and he never deleted emails.

Anyways I found these two messages😳😢

I'm heart broken. The one from June 26 he was out of town for military orders..idk why or what happen. I found out two days before that email that I had to terminate my pregnancy due to ovarian cancer! We got into a fight over it. Idk if that's why he did this. Not an excuse but I searched through emails years back and found nothing like this. The other email saying I liked your picture you sent me seems like spam

I say that because I went through my junk mail and found one similar.

He can't deny the other one though cause there's his reply.

I haven't confronted him as he's in bed and my daughter is nursing!

I don't think I have the will or energy to do so. I'm shocked and disbelief why would he do this! I t

hought we were great he has been so loving and no stressing.

We were planning on selling our house and him going off to Korea so we could get stationed

else where. But now all I think is my marriage is over. What if it went beyond emails maybe not this but what about before or after. How many and when!