finally able to post my birth story..


so it started at 27 weeks. I got an ultrasound, which showed my son was in the 2nd percentile for size, and was not getting any blood from the placenta between heartbeats. I was immediately admitted to the hospital, wjere I was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia. they decided to let me wait to be induced for a few days. at 27 weeks, 5 days, we couldn't wait. I was in danger from the preeclampsia.

we decided to induce, and it didn't work, so I had a c section. my baby boy came out crying! we were so relieved. he's 2 weeks old today, and is 2 pounds! he was 1 pound, 10 ounces at at birth.

he is getting stronger every day, and continues to amaze us. he is such a fighter, and we are so in love!