Arrived at hospital fully dilated 😮


At 37weeks I started having contractions on Tuesday (25/7) morning (6ish), they were pretty mild but regular about every ten minutes. I wasn't sure if they were braxton hicks or start of labour so calmly started just going about my day. I went and had a nice hot shower to help ease my back which was a bit sore and attempt to shave my legs in case it was the start of something. After the long shower didn't

have any contractions for a while and when they did come back they were mild and irregular. Not worried, I spent the morning doing light housework and baked some lactation cookies (yum!)

I had a pregnancy massage booked and since the contractions were so mild, and had pretty much stopped, I decided to go anyway.

Once I got back I started cooking dinner with my husband and then the contractions started coming back a bit stronger so after dinner I thought it might be a good time to test out the tens machine I had purchased. We set it up and it was lovely just felt like a pulsing massage for my sore back. Used it for a few hours while watching TV.

My back was still a bit sore so I decided to have another shower before bed. Took off the tens to shower and then went to bed relaxed with contractions mild and irregular again.

At this time I was thinking that I was in the early stages of labour and that because the contractions were pretty mild and irregular that it might go on for a while maybe even a day or two. So at about 10.30pm I decided to try and get some sleep while I could and told my husband to do the same.

About 2am in the morning I woke up with quite strong contractions but about 15 mins apart so woke my husband to help me set up the tens machine, then went back to sleep in between contractions. About 45 mins later I went to the bathroom and saw that I had had my 'show'. My husband decided to call the hospital to update them. I thought he was overreacting but let him call. They said to call back once the contractions were 5 mins apart. In the next 20 mins I had some very intense contractions 4 minutes apart. My husband called back and they said we could come in if we wanted.

The contractions continued on the was to the hospital and once we arrived I was examined by the midwife. She said my cervix was fully dilated, it was time to push! I couldn't believe her.

Up to this time I had only used the tens machine for pain relief. I asked to try the gas and air which they quickly set up and then dashed around setting up for the birth. I was so focused on calming breathing techniques, and without knowing how to use the gas I didn't actually get to activate it properly. I then started pushing and was told to stop using it so I could push more.

During all this they had been monitoring the baby's heart rate and found it to be dipping during contractions, so when the doctor arrived he informed me that we had to get bub out fast. The best way to do that was to use the vacuum which required an episiotomy (eekk!) This was something I really wanted to avoid but since bub was in distress I agreed to the doctor's plan. They performed the episiotomy, which because of a local anesthetic I didn't feel it. I continued to push while they were setting up the vacuum. By this time I had gotten use to the pushing and was getting more efficient at it. I was able to push her out before they had a chance to get the vacuum setup. They told me that the head was out and I was then super determined and with one last push got the shoulders and rest of bub to quickly follow. They placed her on my stomach while they stitched me up. I could slightly feel it tugging but had a wonderful distraction of our beautiful baby girl!

Annabelle was finally here, born 4.55am 26th July. I said to my husband “She is real!” as we both balled our eyes out.

It was such a positive birth even though it was nothing like I thought it would be. I'm amazed by how calm I was throughout the whole birth. I attribute this to lots of research on positive, relaxing birth techniques and plenty of prayer.