MIL not respecting our wishes

I don't get why it's so hard for my MIL to understand this is OUR BABY and we'll raise it how WE WANT. We don't want anyone kissing the baby until after she's had her first round of shots. It's not really a ridiculous request. It's what we as parents feel is the best for our child. Especially since they are all smokers as well, I don't really even want her kissing the baby at all. She shows up at my shower and tells me that she doesn't care what I say, she's kissing that baby. Um excuse me? No you're fucking not. Like seriously???!!! She's gonna be in for a rude awakening when she try's to pull some shit I don't like and she doesn't see my baby again until she learns to respect our wishes as parents. Pisses me off so bad. Anyone else relate lol