My Birth Story


So i was exactly 39 weeks August 19th(Saturday) i had an appointment on August 15th(Tuesday) when i went i wasn't dilated at all and wasn't effaced at all haven't lost my mucus plug or anything so my doctor scheduled me to get induced August 27th(Sunday) so that Friday night I was cramping but not that bad so i just went to sleep around 3:47am i could tell that my cramping was getting worse and that it was no longer Braxton hicks that it was real contractions so i texted everyone just to let them know what was going on i started to time them and they were four minutes apart lasting for one minute so around 7am we went to labor and delivery and i was dilated 1cm we sat there and by 11am i was dilated to 2cm so they sent me home so me and my husband and my family went out to eat and while we were there the pain got worse so we went home and i soaked in a warm bath after we soaked we went and walked for maybe a mile we got back home and the pain was unbearable so we went back to labor and delivery by this time its 6pm and i was 5cm so we got my iv going and an hour later got my epidural around 12:30am it was time to push we pushed for almost 2 hours and finally she was born at 2:54am August 20th 2017 weighing 6 pounds 11oz