Mixed emotions.

So since I have been pregnant again, my energy is low. So I thought I would put my two year old in the shower with me, instead of his own bath. We have showered together a few times now and I usually wash him because he's two, he doesn't know how to bathe yet.. well I looked down and my toddler is "washing" his own feet and legs.. I hadn't provided him soap yet so that why there are ". I rubbed some on his hands, and he done it again. Rubbed his little feet and legs. And before that, washed his own hair when I put shampoo in it. Like, how did he catch on?? Sometimes I just want to tell him to get in the bath and do it himself, (Just wishful thinking, knowing he "needs" mommy's help) apparently he is growing up a little more and learning a little more than I thought... But IDK if I'm ready for him to know the small things yet. He is still little. 😯 I just wanted to rant for a min. Because my baby. Isn't so much of a baby anymore, and even though I have one on the way.. I still want him little forever too.