back to work??

Jessie 🌛 • Celine 💕❤️

how do you mind cope with leaving your baby's to go work?? 😞

long story short my ex boss called me (i was only there 3 months then quit bc i got pregnant) and this is the second time she's going to be asking me to come in to work for her again and last time i wasn't ready. this time either but i feel as though i'll never be ready! i'm just scared of leaving her. as soon as i heard from my SIL she is asking people for my number, i started crying. i told my SO it's just hard thinking of leaving her, my stomach churns and i feel weak. he wouldn't understand though.. i feel bad for WANTING to work, every time i look at her face i feel so bad. to top it all off, she's breastfeed and only drinks water out of her straw sippy cup. she will not drink milk unless it's from my breast... my SIL has offered to take care of her for two weeks to see how she does with the milk problem, that way if she absolutely won't take it well then i'll have to quit ... again.

i know this may seem exaggerated to some but i know there are some moms who feel/have felt the same !! i need advice or words of encouragement , my SO just says if i feel like i'm ready to go for it, he knows i'm ready to work but not leave my precious LO.

financially, we're okay. we're renting a duplex, he's been paying everything and were okay. but with me working it'd just be nice to have the extra money for stuff we want like new couches, a table (without having to worry about a super tight budget) and actually put money into our savings.

any advice??

she's 1 year old

didn't know where to post this btw